3 Tips To Follow When Taking Your Child Deep Sea Fishing

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3 Tips To Follow When Taking Your Child Deep Sea Fishing

10 March 2020
 Categories: Travel, Blog

If you're searching for family-friendly activities for your next beach trip, add an afternoon of deep-sea fishing to your vacation plans. Deep-sea fishing is suitable for vacationers of all ages, and some charters even permit you to keep a certain amount of specific types of fish. Follow these tips when taking your child deep-sea fishing to ensure everyone has a fantastic time. 

1. Pack Plenty of Snacks and Beverages

Kids are notorious for loving snacktime, and a deep-sea fishing trip provides plenty of opportunities for snacking. You might have a lengthy boat ride to and from your fishing spot.

Make sure to pack an assortment of snacks and beverages for your outing. If your child has something in their stomach, they may be less likely to get seasick. Some great snacks for a fishing trip include crackers, nuts, beef jerky, protein bars, and cut up fruits and vegetables.

The sun is hot and dehydrating when you're on the open ocean. Pack a cooler with a few different beverages (like water, juice, or sports drinks) to ensure your child stays hydrated. 

2. Stick With a Reputable Fishing Charter

It's possible to rent a boat and plan your own fishing trip. However, a reputable fishing charter is often a better option for families. A fishing charter will have everything you need to keep your child safe, like a safety harness and life jacket. 

Your guide will also know the best spots to fish where your child will have a decent chance of catching something. They know valuable information, like the ocean's currents, the tide times, and the migration patterns of the local fish, and use the information to plan their fishing charters. 

Another benefit of signing up for a fishing charter is that the charter company will have everything your child needs for a great fishing trip, including a rod, tackle, and bait. You'll also have an extra set of hands to help your child with casting or baiting their hook. 

3. Prepare for Potential Seasickness

Unfortunately, seasickness can strike on even calm sea days. You may want to give your child a dose of seasickness medication if they've never been on a boat to ward off nausea and vomiting. Even if they've previously gone deep sea fishing with no issues, it's a smart idea to throw a dose of medication into your bag.

Don't forget to pack medication for yourself. It's not uncommon for adults to experience occasional seasickness; you'll have a hard time fishing and enjoying the trip with your family if you're ill. 

To learn more about sport fishing, contact a fishing charter in your area.