Six Things to Know Before Going on a Segway Tour

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Six Things to Know Before Going on a Segway Tour

17 March 2020
 Categories: Travel, Blog

The Segway was invented in 1999, and it has been making an impact on the travel and recreation industry ever since. A Segway tour is usually guided and involves visiting sites or facilities on eco-friendly, zero-emission vehicles. Segway vehicles take up very little space, are stabilized by an internal gyroscope, and powered by rechargeable batteries; riders of all levels of fitness and athleticism are able to operate and enjoy these devices.  

Planning to go on a Segway tour? Here are six things to know before you go:

1. Guided Tours

Typically, a guided tour on a Segway involves earphones and following a guide around a city or destination. The participants are led through the area, hearing the words of the guide through their headset, usually after a safety briefing and talk regarding the Segway. There are height requirements to go on Segway tours, usually prohibiting very small or young children from attending.

2. Proper Clothing

You should wear closed-toe shoes when going on a Segway tour, as well as the helmet provided by the tour operator. You may also want to wear knee or elbow pads if it is your first time operating a Segway. Also, consider eye protection, like sunglasses or goggles.  

3. Best Form

You will be briefed on the best form and way to use the Segway prior to the tour, and always heed what the instructor or guide tells you. Generally, proper form involves both feet planted firmly on the device, holding the handlebars with both hands. Avoid speeding on the Segway, and don't try to transport items or belongings in one of your hands. Use bags or backpacks, instead.  

4. Safety Measures

Remember the height increase when going through doorways, under eaves, or under any low-hanging obstacle. Try to avoid going over curbs, steps, or holes on a Segway as these can cause an accident. Also, be cautious about steep inclines and slopes. These can also potentially cause a nasty fall.

5. Smooth and Solid

Try to keep the Segway on smooth, even surfaces, as these are not all-terrain vehicles. The pavement is the best terrain for a Segway, and remember to go slowly when changing surfaces, like going from asphalt to grass.

6. Balance Mode

To safely stop the Segway, be sure that you are no longer in "balance mode." Never get off the device without fully stopping it first, as there is a risk of it gaining momentum and causing damage or injury through a collision.

A Segway tour is an easy and fun way to check out new and familiar places or sights. Unique Segway tours are happening in many major cities across the globe, including classic tours of destination cities as well as specialty tours like a wildlife tour through a Zambian zoo or a holiday light tour each December in Bakersfield, California. Check online sites and resources to find diverse Segway tour offerings near you.