Snorkeling On Vacation? Follow These Tips For A Better And Safer Experience

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Snorkeling On Vacation? Follow These Tips For A Better And Safer Experience

17 March 2020
 Categories: Travel, Blog

If you are going on vacation to an island or a beach town, you can bet there will be places to snorkel. Snorkeling is a great way to see the plant and animal life that lies beneath the surface of the water, and it is much safer and more approachable than scuba diving. Still, if you are new to snorkeling, there are a few tips you will want to employ in order to enjoy a safer, better experience.

1. Remember to breathe through your mouth.

To snorkel, you will hold the snorkel in your mouth and breathe through it. If you're like most people, you ordinarily breathe through your nose, so breathing through your mouth can take a little getting used to. If you think you might struggle to remember to breathe through your mouth, you can put a nose plug on that will prevent you from inhaling through your nose. Some snorkel rental places have nose plugs, but you might want to purchase your own before heading off on vacation just to ensure you have one handy.

2. When in doubt, go to the surface.

The first couple of times you head beneath the water, you might start to feel a little panicky and like you need to head to the surface. It's perfectly okay to do this. Let yourself poke your head out of the water as often as you feel the need to. You'll have a better experience if you do this and remain relaxed. In time, you will grow more adapted to being under the water, and you won't feel the need to come up to the surface as often.

3. Stick to shallow water.

One reason why snorkeling is great is that you can do it in shallow water. So take advantage of this. Find a snorkeling location where the water is a reasonable depth, such as four feet deep. You're less likely to get into any trouble if a strong wave comes in or if you find yourself getting tired of swimming. Why risk it?

4. Wear foot fins.

Most snorkel rental places will have foot fins you can use if you desire. You should definitely take advantage of them. The fins allow you to move through the water with much more ease so that you won't get as tired or feel the need to rest as often. You'll be safer out there if you're not exhausted.

With the tips above, your vacation snorkeling experience will be a safer one and a better one overall.

To learn more, contact a company that offers snorkeling services.